Is it safe for a pregnant woman to cycle indoors? Experts share their views

If you were a regular exerciser before pregnancy but are now afraid of becoming pregnant, you don’t have to be panic. Pregnancy exercise has been shown to be beneficial in reducing many conditions such as preeclampsia (gestational diabetes), gestational uterine dysfunction, cesarean deliveries, lower back pain and pelvic girdle pain. Discussing with pregnant women is not just…

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Keto Diet Safe in Pregnancy

Many misconceptions exist when it comes to food and pregnancy. The keto diet is very popular right now. It is high fat and low carb. Is the keto diet safe to use during pregnancy? What are the risks of using the keto diet during pregnancy? Here’s the bottom line. The ketogenic lifestyle is a low-carb high-fat and moderate protein…

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What Does OOTD Mean?

OOTD, also known as Outfit Of The Day (or Outfit Of The Day), is a commonly used abbreviation on Instagram. It is a variant What We Wore Today. It can be used in fashion contexts for someone to tell others what they are wearing. The photos in the OOTD category are often selfies taken in a full…

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7 Beauty Hacks to Help Busy Moms

Being a mother is an enormous task. It may also seem difficult to find the time to maintain a routine. You don’t have time to do a complex beauty routine in order to look good. Here are some Beauty Hacks Every Mom Should Know. 1. Accept Your Natural Hair: Many women are unhappy with their hair texture. It’s a time-consuming process. Accepting…

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